In previous blog posts I took time to expound the dissemination of SAWBO content through groups that form networks to enhance the sharing of digital content in various communities. I have received several questions from my readers seeking clarification on a number of issues such as the difference between a WhatsApp group and network, how to start and manage these groups, how to select who to add, and the challenges experienced in the whole process. Most of these questions have been addressed in preceding blog posts, via WhatsApp chats, and during physical meetings and training sessions.
In today’s post, I want to delve into the question that seems simple, yet very important for a successful dissemination process and network expansion. Answering this question shall help my readers, network members, and those encountering SAWBO animated video for the first time to understand how and where to begin the process of disseminating content. This post has been made possible by the indulgence with my friends Mulume from DR Congo, Muungani from Zimbabwe, Kambala from South Africa, Michael from Ghana, and Wanangwa who has started one of the most promising SAWBO network groups in Malawi.

Friends, we are going to find answers to the question, Who can benefit from SAWBO animation videos?
When I first encountered SAWBO videos, I wanted to understand who exactly could benefit from this great content and if I were in a position to reach them. As I scrolled through the library watching the listed animation videos, I noticed that they had been put in different categories including agriculture, health, women’s empowerment, peace & justice, climate change and resilience. By my own observation, I came up with the following beneficiaries of SAWBO content.
Family, friends, and contacts
It’s natural for everybody with any form of news to share it with family, friends, and contacts. These are the closest confidants one can easily share videos or audios they find online or on social media. SAWBO content spreads faster if it takes the same route. Definitely, when a farmer that’s been looking for information on how to plant banana suckers finds it, they will start by sharing with a family member, a fellow farmer, or a contact interested in the same knowledge. The farmer will move to their local farmer’s group and share with friends and contacts too.
In Kenya, everybody seems to have a farm, either in the rural areas or somewhere in the urban centers where they stay. Some have made farms in their backyard where they grow a variety of fruits and vegetables to provide their family with a constant supply of fresh food. Whether it’s a farmer owning a modern urban kitchen garden on their balcony, or a rancher owning large tracks of land, SAWBO content is a great addition to their daily information trove.
In the Agriculture category, we have lots of videos that provide knowledge on proper crop handling, preparation and application of manure, preparation of environmentally friendly pesticides, proper crop husbandry techniques, reducing post-harvest loss, and the complete agricultural value chain. If you have farmers in your community, please feel confident to watch and share SAWBO videos on different agricultural practices with them.
Health workers
Kenya has one of the largest health worker volunteer networks in Africa. Commonly referred to as community health volunteers (CHV) and community health workers (CHW), the two are made up of community members who compliment the health sector by providing non-medical services to households. This network is organised with representation to village level and has real-time information on which household requires which intervention. The network members work in collaboration with local NGOs, CBOs, and groups in community intervention programs like distribution of mosquito nets, collecting data on infections in the community, training the community on basic hygiene practices, etc.
In case your community has a similar network of health workers, please proceed and start sharing SAWBO animated videos with them. They need the knowledge to equip themselves to handle basic challenges facing their communities.
Women and youth groups
In communities with several women and youth groups doing projects in table banking, farming, trading in goods, providing a variety of services, etc, they qualify to access SAWBO content and videos. At the beginning of my animation video dissemination journey, these groups were an easy pick because they are found everywhere in my community. Some have frequent meetings to deliberate on group activities, hence, providing you with an opportunity to visit and share video content with their membership.
Women and youth groups are the simplest, most approachable, and less expansive groups to meet and share content. Their meeting venues are in their members’ homes or local churches making them easily accessible.
NGOs, CBOs, self-help groups, etc.
There are so many NGOs and CBOs operating across Africa. They all deal with economic and social matters affecting our local communities in different ways. The advantage is whatever approach they take, whatever thematic areas they deal with, SAWBO has never run dry of content that can improve their service to the community. It’s the prerogative of team leaders to approach these NGOs and CBOs, understand their programs and projects in the communities they deal with, identify corresponding SAWBO content that addresses the challenges the group seeks to address, seek audience with their leadership, schedule training meetings with their members, and grow your network of SAWBO content beneficiaries.
Traders, market place sellers, and shoppers are also beneficiaries of SAWBO animated videos. Their challenges in handling bulk grains and legumes, storage, and transporting have been captured in several animation videos.
The listed are only but a few of SAWBO video content. Our societal needs differ depending on factors like geographical location, agricultural practices, accessibility to facilities and enhancements, etc. However, it’s upon every volunteer planning to start disseminating SAWBO content to analyze their community and decide on the most appropriate persons and groups to approach.