Effective dissemination of digital content should always include a follow-up to determine whether the knowledge gained is being implemented by the recipients, its impact on households, and the quantifiable positive change attained. As we continue sharing content from different categories of the SAWBO library, I encourage our network volunteers and groups to move further and ascertain the level of content intake in their respective communities and embrace a change in sharing and dissemination strategy that will enhance peer-to-peer education. This way, our success in improving livelihoods and positive change for society shall be achieved.
In this blog post, I want to outline more tips that could help in the effective dissemination of content, and increased uptake of knowledge. In the end, this will lead to impact stories attributed to the use of SAWBO animated content. I wish to drive our network volunteers from social media platforms to, showcasing best practices, farm visits, household visits with health workers, and sessions with communities, women and youth groups, and involvement in the implementation of knowledge gained.
Specializing on an animated video category
The moment a new network member or video recipient logs into the SAWBO video library, they scroll through the available categories and land on what drives their passion or immediate need. For example, when a farmer has a farming need, their first stop in the library will be the agricultural videos. Likewise, a health worker or conservationist will get attracted to the health and climate change categories respectively because that’s where they are bound to get solutions to their immediate needs or passion.
Matching your need, passion, or profession with available video categories makes it easier to choose and share video content. There is no problem when health workers choose to concentrate on sharing videos from the health category and let farmers concentrate on sharing agricultural videos. However, if you can navigate all available video categories with ease, you will enjoy and understand the concept addressed, and can engage a cross-section of recipients, so please do share from all categories.
Join more social media groups
In Kenya, we often receive links with invitations to join WhatsApp or other social media groups. My advice to our network volunteers is to first, research the group fully to ensure it is legitimate and proper and if so then go ahead and willingly join or accept to be members of these groups. Many may provide an opportunity to advance the SAWBO agenda of dissemination of digital content. After you have determined it is a legitimate group, take your time to study the group agenda, then introduce yourself and when appropriate start sharing SAWBO videos.
Always refer your recipients to the SAWBO video library
Referring recipients and showing them how to navigate the video library is one way of availing them freedom to explore, select, and disseminate SAWBO animated content. Each network member should encourage video recipients to freely visit the library, choose a video that addresses their immediate need, download, watch and share widely. Let us go out there and demonstrate the process to our recipients in their groups or individual capacities.
Encourage sharing
Once you’ve referred a client to a video whose content has solved their need be it storage of seed, water filtration, composting, etc, encourage them to share widely in their communities. Our network’s core business is to encourage peer-to-peer education via animated videos. Let’s keep encouraging our groups and individuals to share content.
Engage those you are sharing with
Sharing animated videos with recipients via WhatsApp is limiting. Network volunteers need to proceed and do physical visits, discuss progress, and engage recipients in calls to find out if they have implemented the knowledge gained and document their journey. This alone shows concern, responsibility, and creates a lasting bond between the network volunteer who shared the video and the recipients. It also grows and expands the network too.
Collect feedback
Collecting feedback helps improve delivery. Feedback is key to the development of an idea, concept, process, or practice. It is important to collect both negative and positive feedback to help our volunteer’s network and SAWBO improve and develop videos that are essential to our communities.