I would use the jerrycan bean storage technique video as the A, B, C, or 1, 2, 3 to understand SAWBO animated video content. It’s the entry point from which users seeking knowledge won’t regret going through in order to get a foothold and start a journey into disseminating SAWBO content. I encourage all SAWBO video library visitors to start by downloading, watching, and sharing this video because of the impact it leaves on the mind of a new viewer.
Just like the first days in school, teachers use an approach that makes education enticing, memorable, and entertaining; hence captivating first-timers, and wanting to come back for more the following day. The jerrycan bean technique video provides this type of memorable beginning in the dissemination of SAWBO content.
What makes the jerrycan bean storage video great?
A simple and effective process of storing grains:
I must say this is the most popular video I have personally encountered in my almost three years of working with SAWBO animations. The video captures a unique process that provides a simple solution to a very common challenge in many households. After watching this animation, households discover a new way of storing beans safely, for food or for planting, using locally available and cheap jerrycans or plastic bottles of 5 liters or more! I must admit that before I encountered this technique, I had never imagined that besides storing water and ferrying milk, a jerrycan could be used to store grains.
It’s the “anthem” of SAWBO animated videos:
Yes, you heard me right. I consider it the anthem of SAWBO animation videos. It could be because it was the first video I was introduced to and watched several times, memorized, and have used as my entry video while training individuals, groups, and organizations in most communities. I have downloaded, watched, shared, and encouraged my recipients to do the same with this specific video more times than I can remember or count. Sincerely, I believe anybody watching this video for the first time will return to the SAWBO video library to sample other videos because of its captivating nature.
Locally available training props:
Whenever I leave for a training session in a village, the least of my worries are the props to use in demonstrating this powerful technique. I am always confident that every village has a 5-liter jerrycan or bottle and grains to use in the lesson. I am always very sure that finding a dark sheet to use to demonstrate how to dry grains is not a big deal. Our villages are littered with hundreds of props and tools to use in this technique and your only challenge will be to choose which shape, size, and color of jerrycan to use.
Wonderful idea in the technique:
The idea in the jerrycan bean storage technique is original, impressive, creative, and homely. I lack definite words, to sum up, this great invention. It’s a masterpiece that our communities had never imagined of, yet so homely that you end up feeling it has been with us for generations! The other exciting news about the technique is that you don’t need to add chemicals, ashes, sand, and other material traditionally used to store grains safely. That means if you are storing grains for food, they will be clean and safe for consumption whenever you need them.
Environmentally friendly technique
This is another unique and wonderful trait of the jerrycan bean storage technique. It’s environmentally friendly not only because you don’t use chemicals in the preservation of stored grain, but because you re-use plastic jerrycans and bottles in an impressive way. Who thought that farmers and households could recycle plastic jerrycans and bottles and use them to store grains for seed and food? This alone makes the technique unique and farmer-friendly.
It’s about traders and proper storage of grains:
During our training sessions, we have encountered bulk grain traders and handlers who enthusiastically thank us for showing them how to store grain safely from rodents, weevils, and moist environments as they wait for the planting season when grains fetch good prices. However, they’ve been wondering how many jerrycans they need to store large quantities of grain, to which we’ve always encouraged them to opt for the Purdue Improved Crop Storage bags (PICS bags).
One of the most translated videos:
There is no doubt that the jerrycan bean storage video is one of the most translated in the SAWBO video library (about 118 languages and dialects and about 49 Kenyan languages and dialects. These translated versions have localized the jerrycan bean storage video and entrenched it deep in our communities who feel appreciated. It inspires them to keep downloading and sharing SAWBO videos via WhatsApp, Facebook, Bluetooth, and even load them on memory cards to watch with family and friends on TV screens at home.
In my fair assessment, this is the most popular, most loved, and watched video whose educative content is easy to memorize, adopt, and share via farmer-to-farmer extension education. If you are reading this blog post, I encourage you to load the video, watch it one more time and get that step you might have missed. But if you are watching it for the first time, please watch it again and again, and then explore other videos in the SAWBO library. In case you work for a farmer’s agency, NGO, CBO, Self Help Group, or any other organization that trains people on grain storage, please use this video as your entry point into the dissemination of SAWBO content. You’ll have an enjoyable ride.